My Favorite Self Tanning Products & My Self Tanning Routine

So, I have been using self-tanners for a long time now…like, reaaaally long time! Like 25 years long time 🙂 I always love when my family/friends say, “wow, love your tan”! And I say back to them, “Thanks, it’s FAKE and all from a bottle”! I’m proud of that! They’re always shocked because they couldn’t tell! ANYONE can achieve a pretty, dewy and glowing tan without sacrificing your health! I started out using the mystic tanning booth, which I still love to use on occasion! But, to be honest, I have found a more convenient and way more affordable way to achieving the tan that I want…right at home! Also, something that I haven’t shared with many people is that I had skin cancer at the ripe old age of 23. Talk about scary and at such a young age! AND having a 2 year old at the time too! SO many emotions! After 3 surgeries, they gave me a clean bill of health!! Praise Jesus!! Soooo, self-tanners have been my life line to having a pretty glow. I will say that I am by no means a pro at this, but, I have been around the bend a time or two and have tried what I feel like is a TON of different tanning products!


I love that these products not only give me a sun-kissed glow but they also moisturize my skin! HUGE plus as this is super important to me! We live in AZ peeps, its sooo dry here!!! On another note, they also don’t streak like other products do! And I love that I can shower at night, exfoliate, and then after my shower lather up with my tanning mouse and head to bed. Who doesn’t love waking up with a beautiful tan?

Below you will find my tanning routine…and pleeeeease don’t forget to use a moisturizing lotion like I use HERE lightly on your driest areas such as your knees, elbows, your ankles, around the base of your feet, in between your fingers, and the palm of your hands before starting! This will help to give you less of those dark patches around the ankles, elbows, etc. and those pesky little lines where it should fade from dark to light. This should minimize that with a gradual fade.

My routine once a week:

  1. Prepare your body! Shower, shave, and then exfoliate…Exfoliating your skin is the most important step when using a self-tanner! I use these coconut oil exfoliating wipes during my shower right after I shave. They smell sooo good and work wonders with removing your old tanning product that’s left on your skin!! This step will help with the gradual and natural fade of your tan. NOTE: If you prep your body the night before the evening you apply your tanner, make sure to moisturize your skin so you aren’t applying the tanner to overly dry skin the next day.
  1. Use your self-tanning MIT and take your time! When I’m ready, and after showering, I make sure my body is fully dry before applying my tanning product. We don’t want any splotchy areas! Then, I make sure to use my self-tanning MIT for a near flawless application!! For. The. Love. Do NOT use your bare hands! I use this MIT and love it! Then, in circular motion I apply it to my entire body, including the tops of my hands and feet with the exception of my face, and I make sure to TAKE MY TIME! Sometimes I go over my body twice to 1) make sure I didn’t miss any spots (taking a peek in the mirror is helpful at spotting any missed areas) & 2) to achieve a slightly darker tan.
  2. Once the mousse is set and dry on my skin I put on my pj’s and hop into bed…AND voila, to only wake up to a golden glow 😉 I always shower in the morning before putting on my clothes. It gets rid of the top layer of “Guide Colour” or excess product as I call it, that didn’t soak in overnight and so it won’t come off on my clothes. Then, presto! You can go about your day looking like a bronzed goddess.
  3. Moisturize! I can’t stress enough how important it is to use a good moisturizer on your skin. Your skin NEEDS it and it will also help your tan to fade gradually and naturally. In addition to that, drinking plenty of water can also help your skin stay supple, give it a natural glow and will help your skin to look and stay hydrated. This is my favorite WATER BOTTLE that I use every. single. day. I have it in multiple colors! And I love how my ice never melts! Even on the hottest days here in AZ! If you’re not a big water fan HERE is a great way to add a healthy, gluten free, flavor and get in some extra electrolytes while hydrating your body! My favorite is grape! Yum! It also comes in a few other flavors.

In addition, I also use on a regular basis a moisturizing gradual tanning lotion in between applying the St. Tropez tanner. Jergens carries my favorite tinted moisturizer and it is amazing at EXTENDING YOUR TAN!! This will help to fill in any areas that the mousse might be wearing off or giving you that “crackle or overly dry skin” look. This, in itself, is even more cost effective so you can space out the next time you need to apply the St. Tropez tanning mousse! I don’t know about you, but I like saving money 🙂 It’s a WIN, WIN!!

A couple of additional helpful hints, if you happen to get any excess tanner on the palms of your hands while applying, you can use these coconut wipes to clean them off. If you can’t tell if you’ve made an “oops” but see it the next day, then head over HERE to grab yourself the self-tan eraser! I love the Tan-Luxe Glyco Water and can’t go without! Just let it soak in for about 5/10 min then scrub and wash off. Talk about a game changer!


Happy Tanning!


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